The Challenges Of Making Bold Life Changes

Word count:7394

hey this is Leo for actualised org and in this episode I'm gonna Mews a little bit about the challenges of making bold life changes it's 2016 it's the new year and bold changes are brewing for actualize org and for me personally and hopefully for you as well in your life the new year I don't know about you but the new year for me always makes me aware of how little time I have left in my life a little time I have left to accomplish the things I want to accomplish and especially I've been thinking about that this year because I've been sick you can probably hear me have a pretty scratchy throat and I'm gonna try to pull it through here this why also the videos a little bit late this is because I had a pretty bad fever and a cold last week so I've been trying to fight through that I'm gonna work through it here but because I was sick and I was really thinking about like life and death and what I want to accomplish what do I have left to accomplish in the world and one of the things that I want to do kind of one of my goals with actualize that or is to make personal development more real to show you more behind the scenes of how I do personal development to make it more personal because I think that a lot of personal development irreal is actually very generic and it's almost like industrial factory-farmed personal development and one of the ways I want to do that is to show more vulnerability as well and share more of my issues like the [ __ ] that I deal with so that then you can see like oh so he's dealing with this way and then all I can maybe apply it in my life this way it makes it more personal so what I want to do in that vein is I want to discuss a problem of my own that I'm having and you listen and you will learn from this problem and you'll draw some lessons so important insights for yourself so the problem is something along the lines of this there's going to be a time in your personal development career so to speak where you will Intuit a need for a major realignment in your life you'll see that you've been going down a certain track and everything's been good and it's been working but then now you see like a new horizons open up for you new horizon opens up and usually the way it comes to you it comes to kind like a fear in your mind it goes like this is like oh [ __ ] my current paradigm and way of doing things will not be enough to take me as far as I want to go it will not take me far enough I need to change my paradigm but you've been running this paradigm for years and you're comfortable this paradigm you really like this paradigm it's been working for you and usually when this happens you're at the height at the peak of this paradigm you've been using this paradigm ik a tool and so you're really afraid to let it go what do I mean by a major realignment of your life well imagine making a deep structural change to your life I don't mean just like a habit changing a habit or installing a new habit or making some new friends or picking up a new hobby you don't mean this kind of stuff or getting a new job I mean something deeper this is like what a real change happens for example imagine the following you started your own business and now what you're gonna do is you're going to quit your business and you're going to move to Japan you're going to become a monk just pause for a second actually contemplate making a change of that magnitude in your own life this is just an example I don't mean that this is the exact change you're going to make but find a change that would be of equivalent magnitude that you could make in your life what would that actually be interest imagine just for a few seconds just contemplate the possibility of actually doing it pulling the trigger on that not just in theory but I mean like actually doing it tomorrow that's what I mean by making a deep structural change in your life these kind of turning points as I call them they will come up for you and I'm noticing that a turning point like that is coming up for me what I've noticed about these turning points because I've had multiple of them in my career and in my life this isn't the first one is that they're firstly a really positive sign because they're a real sign of growth it's a real opportunity for you to grow but then of course the other thing that I noticed about them is they're very scary and if you've had some of these you know how scary they are and if you've done this little imagination exercise where you really contemplate something like quitting your business and moving to Japan to become a monk and you really consider that seriously that's like man that that requires something that I don't have in me just now I don't know if my character is strong enough for that it's a real test of character so anyways that's kind of the prelude but the thing that I'm talking about for myself my kind of challenge and dilemma is the following I've been thinking about a lot of the material that I've discussed in my videos the last couple of years what I call self-improvement advice and material and I just kind of been thinking about how much of it do I really know because I've been reading lots of books I've known lots of seminars and workshops and this and that and of course practicing it also I'm under I'm not just doing theory I'm also practicing it but just like if you watch enough of my material you you give me a guess what would you think I know how much do you think I know of this material in the self-help field what would you say like 80% 50% 20% 10% what would you think so I was thinking about this and kind of like in my own estimation what I feel like I know really know is less than 1% and that gives me a deep pause because what I'm realizing as I study more and more self-improvement material and I try to actually master it not just know it intellectually but actually mastered in my life I realize that my mastery of this material is inadequate like really inadequate not for you not for teaching you not for talking about it but just personally for me because what I'm really after is like truth and real self mastery not just self mastery in words not just pretty sayings not just some techniques and a little meditation habit here and something there but like real true deep self mastery and when I see people who have that kind of self mastery these are people who are really hardcore people these are not your ordinary self-help guys these are not your ordinary Tony Robbins and self-help gurus they're not they're really hardcore guys who have dedicated their whole lives to this path so uh the dilemma for me is choosing now between achievement on the one hand and truth and self mastery on the other and for the last three years or so I've really been working on the success of actualize that work my own personal success and success in helping you guys and to me that was kind of about truth but it was a lot about achievement it was mostly about success and achievement and that's success after about three years of hard work it's been one I can say it's been one so I've kind of exceeded my original expectations in my original wildest dreams actually and that's been real good it's been real good I've been really pleased with that but the problem is of course that you always want more and the problem with success is that whatever you're getting success there's always like more success on the horizon that comes up and more opportunities that come up and in fact one of the challenges I'm facing now is like there's so many opportunities I get easily distracted by all the opportunities I have to say no a lot most opportunities I have to say no to and success is kind of like luring me for more and more and more and this is taking me away from really the deep self mastery work the inner work that I got to do and so on the one hand success is kind of luring the other hand truth and self mastery is luring me imagine that someone came in to your room and plot the giant suitcase on your desk and opened it it was filled with millions of dollars and you look at that person you say no no thank you and you turn your back on that person and you just go back to meditating or you go back to writing in your journal or you go back to reading your book or whatever else you were doing that's kind of like what it feels like for me at this point this is kind of what I've been thinking about over the last week as I was in a in a delirium of fever and then this nasty cold that I've been fighting through because I have a lot of ideas for how to expand actualize out of work but what I'm recognizing in house is how sneaky of a distraction this is because each new expansion that I plan each new project each new endeavor each new product or each new course or whatever even though I really believe in these products and courses and so forth I think they're really necessary and important they'll have a lot of people I also see that really they're a distraction in a sense from me doing the really deep work that I got to be doing and my inner wisdom my inner compass knows this isn't right and that the proper focus for me is on self transcendence on enlightenment on truth and on self mastery to really master this material on a very deep level and if the teach from that point from from that position that would be the ideal the problem with this of course is that it requires a withdrawal it requires a saying no to achievement ah no to success sacrificing the money and so forth and and that's real difficult because success and achievement has kind of been my bread and butter for the last I don't know what six seven years or so that's kind of like what I've been doing what I've been pursuing makes sense it's comfortable I'm good at it's easy right it's not that easy but I mean like it's something that I know how to do and especially when you start to get good at something's like well you want to keep doing it you don't want to change and kind of go back to to ground zero start from scratch it's kind of painful seems like a step backwards and this is where the paradigm shift is required because what I'm seeing is that my bread and butter and the stuff that I'm good at and this achievement stuff it won't ultimately get me to where I want to go and then if I continue down this course for long enough I'm gonna regret this decision that I've made in my life and my I keeps going towards the greater vision and the greater vision you know I was really inspired this year when I read Gandhi's autobiography really inspired by how Gandhi lived his life and what inspired me really about him is the integrity with which he lived his life like he was a leader who led from the very front not from the back but from the very front which is a very rare thing it's amazing how rare such a quality is and I'm thinking about how do I take my life and I engineered in such a way where it reflects that kind of way of life it's a whole lifestyle like you have to commit yourself to this this is not something you do on a whim and this is not something you can really turn your back on and this is not something you can turn on one day then turn off the next day when it's not convenient for you like Gandhi's whole life you should read his autobiography it's incredible it's a little dry at first so slow to start but if you read it in its entirety it'll blow you away with what this man did this is not fiction he actually did this he dedicated his entire life to public service incredible and the way in which he did it is even more incredible so I won't go into all those details maybe another episode but but I was really inspired by this and I'm trying to think of how I can put my life into that kind of mold and make actualize that work something reflecting a bit of that and I'm not talking about like influencing hundreds of millions of people like it's not about mass scale it's about the quality with which you do it it's about the integrity with which you do it it's also about the kind of like the commitment that's there and I don't mean that I want to do exactly what Gandhi did I'm just using that kind of as an analogy for what I want to do in my own way and for me what that means is turning inwards and finding the truth and finding the self mastery that I'm looking for and then perhaps impacting others with that wisdom and maybe not I don't know see that's one of the fears I have and one of the risks that I run so there's a whole list of risks and fears that I have what about regret will I regret this kind of decision what if I miss my chance of success what if I regret the fact that I didn't grab success when I had it in my hands because success can be a point that's difficult to get to you know it's a lot of times you spend three or five years really struggling to get successful and finally at this point we're all okay finally I'm at the point where now I can kind of relax a little bit and still success comes to me and it's like that's what I've been dreaming of but now it's like no you got to climb out of the mountain climb a whole new mountain now or the risk of not wanting to help anyone anymore I don't even know what my what my desires and motivations will be like and how my life purpose will change and evolve as I get into the deeper truths that's something I can't even anticipate really probably I'll still want to influence people but maybe I won't maybe I'll just want to retreat into a cave and just meditate all day I don't know so that's one unknown that I'm dealing with also things like sacrificing material comforts sacrificing sex sacrificing relationships sacrificing vacations sacrificing travel and fun and sacrificing food and like all this kind of stuff that's really nice that you kind of like been dreaming of for the last five years you know you've been working real hard it's like well I'm working because I'll get all these nice bonus juicy bonuses at the end of the journey and now it's like well I have to give up those those juicy bonuses to go even higher on an even higher journey maybe I don't necessarily need to give them up but that's something that's a a fear of mine and then of course there's fears like well how will people judge me what will people think of me what about my old obligations what about my obligations to my viewers what about my obligations to my business what about obligations to my customers what about obligations to my family and people who are close to me and then of course probably the ultimate fear is like what if I ruin my life with such a decision so those are some of the thoughts that are kind of swirling through my mind just wanted to share them because not that you're facing this exact same issue in your life but it shows you kind of like what's involved with making a paradigm change and the fact that it's really scary is the important part and it's really easy to get stuck and it's really easy to just kind of delay and to say oh you know what I'll just kind of put this on the backburner for another year oh I can do it next year and the next year I can do it the next year I can do it after this and after that and after my success and after my relation I can do it and just push it off and off and off and off and off um and that's kind of like what I've already been doing for the last year it's been fine I can keep doing that for a little while but ultimately like I know deep down inside of this this tract of achievement focused life an achievement focused lifestyle on success and on business this is ultimately not going to fulfill me it's already not fulfilling me it's never really fulfilled me it doesn't work it won't fulfill you either if you think it'll fulfilling something that will fulfill you it won't that's just a trick of your mind which is enough to motivate you now for a little while for next 5 or 10 years fine use that but just realize that it won't fulfill you forever sorry to pop your bubble and so what's really scary in life is when you realize these things and then you're like well [ __ ] this means I got to change a lot of structural things in my life not just little things but big major things how I relate to people how I relate to society I relate to culture how I relate to entertainment how I relate to food I related to fitness how I relate to sex how I relate to business how I relate to money I relate to happiness and what has to happen is that like a part of you has to die on this hero's journey that you're on part of the hero has to die so that he gets purified and pushed forward it's a purification process and in this purification process the impurities get burned out of you but you know the fire does burn and it does hurt sometimes and it's scary to stick your hand in the fire to keep sticking your hand in the fire consciously deliberately intentionally that's what was so inspiring about Gandhi is that he did that consciously intentionally for almost the entirety of his life fearlessly courageously incredible man really tough to do really rare it's surprising rare especially in the self-help field it's very rare because here's the standard self-help track you become the self-help guru you write a couple of books you become a famous author you get your name out there you get a lot of subscribers people know you you develop a practice you then get some people working under you develop little company you got a little product out there you know course you know this'll that you do a radio show you do a TV show you do this everybody knows you and all the sudden you're like this big guru no one could even remember the time where nobody knew you and then you know you're so successful you just keep doing that for the rest of your life and you just keep milking that cow for the rest of your life that's the standard self-help business model but you know um that's pretty shallow pretty shallow model doesn't doesn't strike me as having a lot of integrity not if you're really learning the self-help principles that I'm talking about every week you can't really live that kind of lifestyle not for very long I mean that's a phase you can go through but then you have to grow out of it you can't do the whole Tony Robbins thing for free decade after decade after decade like what's the point like earning tens of millions of dollars to buy yourself like castles and mansions and helicopters and [ __ ] like what this is this is all quite shallow uh so like my inner intuition knows that my life can't be about this and that really the focus has to really change it has to stop being me up to this point my focus in my life even though I do work that impacts lots of people and I like to tell myself that you know my have a life purpose which is all about impacting people and so forth and I do I do that but really my work is about me and my life is about me and that has to change and that's really hard to change and paradoxical what this means is to take the focus off of me paradoxically you think like well okay leo fine go become a saint or something but see what it actually looks like on the surface when I do that is pear you have to I should turn inward to do that I have to find my own truth I have to find enlightenment I have to develop the self mastery that I need and only then can I turn back outward and make my life about uh about other like really about other like Gandhi really made his life about other now he wasn't even enlightened at least not when he started I don't know if he ever even became enlightened I I doubt that but that makes it even more incredible that he was able to do it even more incredible so the reason I'm talking about this is because I want to give you kind of a preview first of all like I said I want to give you kind of a more vulnerable take on personal development so I'm sharing a challenge and I'm facing hopefully you can relate to this challenge because I'm sure that you can see the connection from this challenge to a lot of your challenge I'm going to talk about your challenges here in a second but here's something I want to kind of draw your attention to is that this is what it looks like these are the challenges of evolving up Maslow's hierarchy of needs this is what we're really talking about here if you watch my episode about Maslow's hierarchy of needs and how to use it to self actualize if not go watch that one that's important an important one for you to watch but you basically got this pyramid with these different hierarchies of different needs and you're sending up these ladders or these levels these stages in the problem is that it's really easy to get stuck at a stage especially once you get a little higher a little higher and a little higher and then you kind of just peter out a lot of really successful people a lot of really smart and brilliant people who would otherwise go on to to really make a high consciousness profound impact in the world they get stuck somewhere in the middle of the pyramid they don't go to the very very top what I'm talking about here is how to get to the very top now maybe that's not the challenge you're facing right now maybe right now your lower arm you know you're on a lower level and you're not quite suited for the top yet that's cool that might be five or ten or twenty years away for you right now but you know what you're still going to be facing the same basic issue no matter what level you're at and you're trying to ascend to the next level you're going to be say facing similar types of issues right you have to let go of certain things you have to let go of old ways of doing things and then you have to accept new ways that are kind of scary and foreign to you so this is how this connects back to your life you're probably wondering okay well what does all this mean for me leo well the bottom line is that as you grow you will face these same similar kinds of turning points your career might be facing a turning point your family situation might be facing a turning point a relationship in your life might be facing a similar turning point your relationship to society might be facing a turning point or to money or to business or to health these turning points will happen to you and they probably already happened to you they've certainly happened to me this is not my first like I said I've had turning points back in college turning points in high school turning points in my first job in my first business these are really crucial points I feel like my biggest growth has come from making wise decisions on these turning points and actually making a decision because see here's here's the real deceptive part about this is that if you don't make a conscious decision at some point what will happen you'll just kind of play the default position and the default position is just keeping your status quo and this is exactly what people do is they just keep their status quo and just keep keep at it keep at it keep at it avoid making any decisions and then what happens is that eventually they die your life runs out it runs out really fast a lot faster than you think if you're little older you know what I'm talking about fear in your 30s 40s 50s 60s you know what I'm talking about if you're still in your teens or 20s you don't know what I'm talking about yet but when you turn 30 you're really going to feel it I turned 30 here so the point here is that you're going to be facing these turning points and what you need to be doing is you need to be learning how to listen to your inner wisdom and not putting off these decisions for too long and making the bold choices right the hero to get on the hero's journey the first thing he has to do is he has to do what's called accepting the call the hero is presented with a call the question is will he take it or not the true hero always accepts the call with resistance but he accepts it in the end that's what puts him on the journey that's what makes him a hero the non hero the ordinary guy what he does is he has too much resistance he gives in to the resistance he stalls he has excuses he's very comfortable he says he'll do it tomorrow or next year or he's got a family obligation or whatever his reasons are that's really the first distinguishing characteristic of a hero and an ordinary person so the hero is really one who is in tune with his inner wisdom even though there's resistance it's not easy for the hero a classic thing you see in movies when you see a hero's journey paradigm being used like in Star Wars for example is you see the hero is reluctant he's always reluctant he doesn't just eagerly accept the call you would wonder like well why wouldn't hero just want to go on a grand cool adventure why does it Luke just want to go fly out into space and you know go to the Death Star and destroy bad guys why does he want to do all this well because think about how it actually plays out in real life in a movie it's all fun and games but in real life when it's your balls on the line how does it actually play out imagine you're a new situation you gotta abandon your home your relatives your friends your girlfriend your boyfriend whoever you got your children you got a bad and leave all that and go off on some crazy adventure it doesn't seem like an adventure it seems like a some some ridiculous cockamamie scheme that people will judge you for that has a high failure rate and a lot of risk and potentially little reward and that you got to make it work somehow and to something you've never done before something you've never attempted before will require skills you don't even know how to acquire and that's something you have to say yes to of course you're going to say no almost everybody says no because what people do is they hold on to the good at the cost of the great and so one of the things you got to learn here if you really want to self-actualize and you would really want to lift your full potential life is you have to learn how to let go of the good for the sake of the great at these crucial turning points in your life you're not going to have a lot of these turning points you might have four six maybe ten of them in your whole life I've probably had three or four major turning points and I'm thirty right now so that tells me that I'll probably have another three or four in the next thirty years right so my whole life if I live past sixty that'll probably be ten turning points maximum and I think the ones that you make when you're young when you're in your 20s 30s and 40s those are going to be the most important ones because once you're in your 50s and 60s let's face it you don't have that much time left you don't and you've already locked in a lot of stuff with those at earlier turning points that you've either stalled on or you made some kind of decision on so it's really important that you learn how to go for the greater vision the vision of what you really could be what your full potential is of what's possible for you not just a settling for good but going for like something that will inspire others when they see it and that's something that's really hard to find it's really hard to find people even discussing these issues in society in culture in the media in your family who discusses this stuff even in self-help books this stuff is rarely discussed it's discussed in it's like lip service only its lip service only because even the people that are writing these books and doing these seminars I don't see them even doing it most of them don't do it so how can they discuss it you have to prepare yourself for making radical changes in your life that are going to seem crazy they're going to seem crazy especially to people around you that aren't inside your head and aren't thinking like you and don't have connection to that inner wisdom that you've got but they're even seem crazy to you they're going to seem very counterintuitive to you and to others around you is it going to seem like you're taking a step backwards when in fact you know you're taking a step forwards but I mean you know how it worked it's like tube steps forward one step backward kind of deal and sometimes it's like two steps forward and then three steps backward but then in a few years a giant leap of 10 steps forward or you just completely jump to a whole new level a whole new dimension a whole new playing field and that's what these paradigm shifts these turning points can do for you it's not just an incremental like a couple of steps ahead what you're really doing is you're jumping to a whole new level you're going from the little leagues to the giant leagues to the big leagues so you're going to have to be prepared to make these kind of radical changes and yet and here's a real important part make sure you listen to this part right here and yet you balance it with responsible action and wisdom so I'm not telling you here that what you do is you just go take some crazy risk you just start some crazy ridiculous business idea that everyone tells you will never work and you just go say ah screw screw the statistic screw the probabilities I'm just gonna do it that's not what I'm telling you I'm saying you make radical changes that your inner wisdom is telling you you need to make but you balanced it with with a lot of responsibility and wisdom deep wisdom not rashness not impulsiveness it's not like okay so I should just go quit school quit college divorce my wife no I'm talking about something a lot deeper here when you make one of these important turning point decisions this is a highly conscious act it's not a rash or impulsive action highly conscious you're being pulled by um something really um you might say spiritual inside you is pulling you your life purpose your passion your soul whatever you want to call it something inside you is pulling you it's like I know I need to do this I know this is right for me that was the case for me in I'm thinking right now about three or four major turning points in my life up to now where that was the case where where I had this kind of tug of war between the conventional and then like between my gut telling me I know I got to do this I know this is right I know this will pay off even though it doesn't seem like it will right now even though it seems kind of crazy and the way it's usually worked for me as I have resisted it and I've been I did in a spill room painful and scary and a lot of frustration comes within a lot of emotional turmoil this is the hero coping with accepting the call and then what I said is I finally said you know what [ __ ] it I got to do it and then one way or another I just did it and sometimes what happens is I'm pushed by some external factor and sometimes it's just me making the decision you know it can vary but I think that a lot of where I am today has to do with the fact that I have followed through on those turning points where I easily could have not where I easily could have delayed where I could have easily distracted myself with games or entertainment or sex or relationships or whatever else with money and distracted myself and then I would not be where I am today and it's really amazing it's almost like a like a deja vu moment I almost feel like I'm back in college in my first two years of college because I was facing the same kind of thing in college where it's like I knew that the major I selected when I started which was engineering that it just wasn't right for me but I was so committed to it and then you know I knew that there was other passion I had to follow which was game design and I was really uh uncertain about how to make that switch and I thought I would you know lose a lot of time and all this investment that I made into engineering but then I finally did make the switch and it was like the same situation that I'm facing now with actualised org I'm at the point with actualize onward where I've considered just completely shuttering shutting it down and saying like well okay what if no more videos what if I just go and like live in a cabin for the next five years and just enlighten the [ __ ] out of myself and then see what happens and if I still want to come back and do something publicly I will if I have that opportunity and maybe I won't even want to do anything publicly and my life will just go some crazy direction like that's something I've considered and I'm considering right now but they on the other hand I'm like well I do have this great opportunity that let go of how do I keep both you might say well you can't you do both and that's kind of what I've been trying to do for last year and it's real challenging in reality what happens is that I'm really hedging my bets and when I hedge my bets I know that I'm not really serving that deep inner wisdom that I have I'm not really serving my full life purpose so how do I resolve this I don't know yet it's an open question we'll see how it goes but either way bold changes will be happening fractionalized org for me and I hope for you to every new year I plan new big changes this is how you get big results with self-improvement habits are nice little exercises and techniques are good those are all great but then you do also want to consider the big picture what's the big picture strategy of what you're doing do you have a life purpose are you following it are you aligned with it how are you not aligned with it how could you become more aligned with it what big step could you take to do that and in the end you gotta always understand that your character will be tested if you're on this path the hero always gets tested that's what constitutes the hero's journey is the tests and the obstacles that he has to overcome on the way so if you're dealing with emotional turmoil and you're suffering in you're ambivalent you don't know how to decide and you got all this kind of angst and frustration there then you know I know what that's like I've been there a lot but that's kind of like the emotional labor that we have to pay as heroes on our journeys to get to where we ultimately want to be which is to actualize our full potential I want to leave on one final note which is the reminder that the most precious commodity that you have is your sense of death if you are sensitive to the fact that you will be dead very soon it will happen very soon and it will seem like it's happening in the blink of an eye your life will pass before you even if you live to seventy eighty ninety a hundred years old it'll still seem like the blink of an eye if you can be conscious of that as you're hitting these turning points these potential turning points that's what's going to activate that inner wisdom in you and that's what's been activating that inner wisdom and mean because I was sick and I actually I like being sick in a twisted sick kind of way even though it's terrible but if you like really get a bad cold or bad fever where you're lying there palm on the bed or on the couch and you feel like you might not even live through the night it's so bad you really get this kind of clarifying effect where a lot of petty [ __ ] in your mind falls away because you get the sense of impending death and you see like everything put in this proper priority and then what happens is that you kind of come out of that fever and then all of a sudden two days later you know you're back in the grind you're back in the 9 to 5 schedule and it's all forgotten just like a dream so here's the key if you really want to fulfill your potential then you have to turn that dream into something you're thinking about during the day when you get that kind of a sense of clarity when you're sick and you have a fever you have to keep that sense of clarity during the day when you're back at work when you're back at home you're back with your family or for example if you go on and retreat you go on a meditation retreat in everything's going great there and you have all these epiphanies you want to change your life around you should be living this way in that way and then you get back home and five days later you've forgotten about all of it and your life is exactly the same as it was we'll see what happened is you were conscious for a brief moment but then you fell back asleep there was a potential turning point but then since you decided to do nothing the turning point vanished and sometimes a turning point can vanish in as little as five days in as little as a week or a month or a year it'll vanish the turning points they don't usually stay open for very long so be mindful that remember how important it is to be sensitive of your impending death because it's coming and it's coming fast all right I'll leave you there this is Leo I'm signing off go ahead post me your comments down below please click the like button for me share this video with a friend and lastly come sign up to actualize that org check out actualize that org I have a newsletter there it's a free newsletter I release new content about how to self actualize how to follow your hero's journey how to get on track with your hero's journey and stay on track with your hero's journey and not get distracted by all the distractions that society offers you very easy to get distracted it's free newsletter signup check out my life purpose course that can also help you a lot especially if you're into this topic I discuss so many important and nuanced and detailed topics about life purpose in the life purpose course that I could never have enough time to talk about here over 25 hours of content you might want to check that out but anyways yeah stay tuned because I'm going to be bringing you more insights into how to actually make this real because I'm doing it myself we'll see what I decide and how I go and hash Lies out our ghosts but for now we're still forging ahead and I look forward to having you sign up and seeing you real soon you